Catie Gett, author and publisher 'Notes To My Future Son' and 'Notes To My Future Daughter'
On average, everyday, six men in Australia will take their own lives and 27 others will try. The most at highest risk group in the entire world is young Indigenous Australian boys. This is a mental health epidemic. Violence toward themselves and others is rife. Traditional social constructs have no room here anymore. Let's open the conversation up, and start talking to our young boys and men differently. Let's raise them with the skills they need to face this world safely with a new narrative of compassion.
Notes To My Future Son
This book is an ode to the clever, compassionate, beautiful and kind men, that we are so lucky to have in our lives. May we learn and speak with them, raise and love them, celebrate and cherish them.
‘We do not need to teach men emotional intelligence, they are born with it. We need to stop forcing them to unlearn it’. Our new book has been written to celebrate young men. Written for them, their parents and us all. A book of words we wish every child could know about their incredible value in this world, as they become our future.
109 notes, 15 full colour illustrations. 152 pages, 100 GSM, double gated 300 GSM cover.